Tuesday 5 February 2013

May the (life) force be with you!

The ancient yogis were very aware of the universal life energy that all things are made of. They were experts of the use of vital energy that enters on the inhalation and called it prana. The exhalation produced energy which is named as apana. It’s the interplay between the prana and apana that keeps us alive by circulating the vital life force and eliminating the used up energy. What the Indians called Prana the Chinese call Chi! 

Yoga can teach you about the hidden energy centres within the body which according to Eastern Medicine are called Chakras. Chakras are vital to your health and Eastern Medicine recognises seven major chakras (as well as many minor ones) that interact within the body and an eighth chakra that connects all of them. When practicing yoga you recharge and balance your chakras by bringing circulation and prana (chi) to the nerve plexus at each of the chakras. So with yoga you not only improve flexibility and strength but also your energy   and the release of stagnant energy within the body. Yin yoga works with the modern meridian theory developed by Paul Grilley - stretching the fascia works also on the meridians.

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